A popular grass substitute, Dichondra repens (Lawn Leaf) is a perennial ground cover forming a lush carpet of small, bright green, kidney-shaped leaves.
Its creeping stems root wherever the nodes touch the ground. Inconspicuous flowers produce seeds that may remain in the soil for many years before sprouting. Ground-hugging, Dichondra repens is maintenance free, and useful for spots where normal grasses may not do as well. Handsome between spro
pavers, it can tolerate light foot traffic. A great lawn alternative, its chief advantage over grass is that it needs be mowed only 3 or 4 times a year. It can
also be used in rockeries.
★ Grows up to 2 in. tall (5 cm).
★ This sturdy performer is easy to grow and generally pest and disease free.
★ Performs best in full sun or part shade, in well-drained soils. Deep and infrequent watering is necessary once established. Allow the plants to dry
out slightly between watering.
★ When used in lawn situations it can be mowed for a smooth finish.
★ Native to Australia.
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