نيشان دان 61–72 of 258 ئەنجام

ئینێکس - آ

18,000 د.ع
  • With Inex-A we considerably multiply the assimilation of nutrients by the plant, thus obtaining higher yields in our crops.Increases the efficacy of foliar treatment through the following processes:
    • Improves crop coverage, finer and more uniform drops.
    • More adherence, longer lasting treatments.
    • More resistance to washing by rain.
    • Antifoam effect.
    • Improves the compatibility of the mixtures in the application broths.

لوقوم - دژە قرتێنەر

  • Professional quality ready-to-use pasta sachets to be used in tamper resistant bait stations for the control of mice and rats in and around buildings.
  • Roshield pasta rodenticide contains denatonium benzoate, a highly bitter substance which helps prevent human consumption.
  • Contains a unique synthetic peanut flavouring to encourage mice to investigate and consume bait.
  • Pasta rodenticide is a high energy option which makes it the preferred formulation in cold situations, or where rodents have declined to accept other baits.
  • Purchase multiply packs depending on the size of the infestation. This Listing is for 1 pack of 100g Difenacoum.

هیومیک ئەسید ١٢٪

  • Physical: Humic acids physical modify the structure of the soil.
  • Soil water retention is improved, when organic matter increases, both the infiltration rate and water holding capacity is enhanced.
  • Makes soil more friable or crumbly by forming complex humus molecules thus increasing aeration of soil, and improving soil workability.

Amino Power WSP

30,000 د.ع

• Increase in crop yield and quality
• Improve resistance to environmental stress (drought, extreme temperatures, transplanting stress)
• Promote root growth and regeneration of damaged roots
• Wetting / sticking agent enhancing the efficacy of other applied products
• Soluble source of organic nitrogen
• Decrease incidence of certain plant diseases
• Support crops with needed amino acids and peptides
• Amino acids act as natural chelators

Dichondra Repens Grass Seed

3,500 د.ع169,000 د.ع
  • Consistent supply of nutrients over 8 – 9 months
  • Balanced growth, excellent rooting
  • Strong resistance to disease and weeds
  • Magnesium content for good lead color

Dichondra Trifoglio Nano Grass Seed

3,500 د.ع169,000 د.ع
  • It resists heat and drought, not holds up well in cold climates, afraid of the frost and can withstand a little foot traffic.
  • Great the plant of Dichondra repens in flower beds, where it is not possible to make cuts.
  • Resistant in time, you radifica more and more each year, on the total coverage does not even make the birth other weed species.

Dichondra Enano Repens Grass Seed

4,000 د.ع169,000 د.ع

Dichondra Enano RepensThis variety of clover is an alternative to grass if we want to have a green area with little maintenance and semi wild.

  • The sowing should be in spring or autumn.
  • Recommended sowing dose of 250 gr for 100 m2

A legume that, as its name suggests, is characterized by its creeping stems that quickly cover the ground, reaching a height of 20 to 30 cm.


Bermuda Grass Seed

4,750 د.ع25,000 د.ع
  • Late spring and early summer are the best times to plant warm-season grass seeds.
  • Seed germinates best when temperatures are between 70°F and 90°F and the danger of frost has passed.
  • Water daily or as needed to keep soil surface moist for the first 2 weeks, or until seedlings reach 2 inches in height.
  • Resume mowing when the lawn reaches desired mowing height or about 3 inches.


65 د.ع12,500 د.ع

Composition: Red fescue – 25% Meadow bluegrass – 5% Pasture ryegrass – 40% Timothy meadow – 30% Herbal mixture for sports grounds, places of active recreation and children’s playgrounds.

دژە کەڕۆ - شامپیۆن

29,500 د.ع

1 kg

Cuppur Hydroxide 1 kg فطري وبكتيري لمعالجة اغلب الامراض يعتبر مبيد عام ومهم جدا في الرش السباتي لاشجار الفاكهة وكذلك اللفحات في محصول الطماطة

دژە کەڕۆ - تۆپسین

26,000 د.ع

500 gr

  • Reliable & trusted over the years
  • Excellent systemic & long lasting control
  • Broad spectrum efficacy, resulting in good yield
  • Environment friendly technology
  • Preventive & curative control
  • Crop safety